ACCOUNTS of the Union County Historical Society

From the Editor ...
ACCOUNTS of Union County History is the Union County Historical Society’s online journal of local history. Our purpose is to provide a place to record articles and stories from anyone who has a knowledge of Union County history, so that that information doesn’t become lost to us. ACCOUNTS is an opportunity to contribute to Union County’s historical record.
We welcome stories from less-experienced writers, as well as individuals who engage in more formal research. We invite individuals who want to simply “tell the story” of a topic related to their own memories, stories passed to them from older friends or family members, as well as short research articles from amateur and seasoned researchers. Perhaps you know someone who has a story to share. Please send me the name and contact information so that I might invite them to contribute their story.
If you’re a bit rusty on your writing, I can help you. You can rough something out and we’ll work together to get it ready. You can even hand-write an article and we will digitize it for you.
• A disclaimer will appear in each issue that the Society does not take a position on the content of any item.
• The Editor will establish an “editorial board” which will function as consultants and advisors regarding questionable submissions.
• Decisions by the Editor will be final.
• A “Letters Received” column will be included for those who wish to respond to or
amplify a previously appearing item. To be published, such letters must be phrased in a
positive manner, in the spirit of improving what is known.
ACCOUNTS of Union County History is available only on line through the Society’s website.
We encourage and welcome our members and guests to print and share these articles.
Matthew Wagner Editor, ACCOUNTS of Union County History
570-850-3981 mcwagner.mcw@gmail.com
• ACCOUNTS is not a journal of formal scholarship but, accuracy is important.
A bibliography or footnotes are only required when referencing source material.
The Editor can help you with this.
• Articles can be 300 to 3000 words – a single-spaced page has 450 to 500 words –
or 1 to 6 pages in length.
• A variety of topics are being sought, such as:
- Accounts of events in Union County’s history
- Accounts from family history
- Accounts of the lives of persons associated with the County
- Accounts of businesses, communities and places
- Descriptions of objects and their makers (such as furniture, buggies, etc.)
- Accounts of buildings (homes, farm buildings, churches, commercial buildings,
etc.), monuments, public works.
• Please make sure information is accurate.
• Photographs can be included provided the author has permission to use them.
• Get consent from people and families mentioned; the author bears sole responsibility
for any objections raised.
• Present new material, please. Previously published work is usually not accepted.
• Lists or documents can be included but need to be explained and discussed in the
author’s words.
• Analyses of specific pre-contact archaeological sites and artifacts are usually
not accepted.
• Copyright is held by the Society; the author may republish or reuse the item
without restriction.
• An item re-published, after appearing in a UCHS publication, should cite its prior
publication by the Society.